
The growing community passionate about regenerative fibre and textiles.

We believe that there is a perfect scale for sustainable locally-produced textiles.  One where many farms grow small quantities of flax as part of a crop rotation which is then sent to local processors.  There is a growing community of farmers, textile enthusiasts, designers and consumers who feel the same.  It can’t be done alone, it takes a community.

Below are some links to other organisations, people who are on a similar mission.  

Fibreshed Ireland

Kit and Malu run the Irish branch of a global movement of Fibresheds. They are working to define what a regenerative textile system should look like and provide fantastic support to all of us working in the field.

Flaxmill Textiles

Hermann and Marion Bauer were amongst the first people we met in the Northern Irish linen community. They have always been so generous with their time and wisdom. Hermann has helped us to harvest flax and rebuild the scutching turbine, Marion was the first to weave our own home grown flax. They have also supplied consistent, gentle encouragement and delicious vegan snacks.

Regine Neumann of Growing Material for Art

Regine Neumann

Regine held a residency during the Linen Biennale where she spent a huge amount of time experimenting with our flax making the most beautiful range of papers including a raincoat!

Mourne Textiles

Based in the beautiful Mournes, Mario Sierra and the team at Mourne Textiles have been working to restore flax spinning to the island of Ireland. Their hugely successful Fibre to Fabric crowdfunding campaign has been a huge step towards making this happen.


Fibrevolution is reviving the fibre flax industry in Oregon. Fibrevolution will launch the first fiber flax mill in over 50 years in Oregon. The mill will serve as a blueprint for additional locations on the East coast and Midwest. Angela and Shannon from the team recently visited with us at the farm. We are very much on the same mission and it was a joy to compare notes with our US counterparts.

The McConvilles

The last remaining operational water powered scutching turbine in Ireland. Eugene McConville knows more about flax growing and processing than we could ever hope to know.

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